Audio cassette production in St. Petersburg. You can read more about our services here. Answers to popular questions concerning our activities are collected in the FAQ section.



  (minimum print run is 20 copies)
  (more than 5 panels — upon request)

* Tape length is calculated as the length of the longer side multiplied by 2. Thus, if the longest side of the master record is 30 min, a C-60 cassette (60 min total length = 30 min * 2) is required.

** KL-HX — new brand of magnetic tape by a Chinese manufacturer. Similar to Panarec by frequency response and peak level. Maximum cassette length is 94 minutes (C-94).
AMPS — tape from a Chinese manufacturer, having lower peak record level (-3dB) and, accordingly, lesser signal/noise ratio. Maximum cassette length is 71 minute (C-71).


Audio cassette production and duplication

Audio cassette production and duplication

Terms of cooperation

Terms of Cooperation

  1. We operate on a 100% prepayment basis.
  2. The client provides the phonogram for recording and the design for printing.
  3. The order completion time is from 3 to 4 weeks from the moment all materials and payment are received. The exact completion time will be communicated by the manager.
  4. The client guarantees the possession of all necessary rights to the audio and visual content used for the production of the run. In case of conflicts due to intellectual property rights violations, the client is the defendant. The client will cover all expenses arising from intellectual property rights violations at their own expense.
  5. TapesTM reserves the right to refuse run production without explanation.

Quality Control

We distinguish two types of defects that can be encountered: run defects and cassette defects. Please familiarize yourself with the quality control policy for each type of defect.

Run Defects

  1. Run defects include discrepancies in the recording compared to the phonogram, printing materials not matching the client's designs, and visible defects such as scuffs and chips. To identify run defects, it is sufficient to unpack and listen to 1 cassette and visually inspect the others.
  2. Within two weeks of receipt, the client must check the order for run defects, i.e.:
    • Ensure the recording on the cassette matches the phonogram, there are no extraneous noises, the recording does not interrupt, and it corresponds to sides A and B. Note that the recording on an audiocassette is typically accompanied by characteristic tape noise and slight reduction in high frequencies, which are not considered defects.
    • Ensure the printing (cover, slipcase, label, etc.) and the printing on the cassette (pad printing or UV printing) match the designs.
    • Ensure there are no cracks or chips on the cases.
  3. We accept claims for run defects within two weeks after the client receives the order. We are not responsible if the client sends uninspected cassettes from a defective run to their customers. If run defects are identified and it is established that it is our fault, we will rectify the issues at our own expense.

Cassette Defects

  1. Cassette defects are those where certain cassettes in the run do not play or play incorrectly. Such defects can be caused by many factors: from malfunctioning playback devices and tape jamming to defects in the cassette housing or segments of the magnetic tape.
  2. If cassette defects are found in the run, we recommend reviewing the instructions on types of malfunctions and ways to resolve them and, if the problem persists, contacting the manager. When contacting the manager, please provide photos and/or videos clearly demonstrating the cassette defects and their malfunction.
  3. If your customer discovers a cassette defect, we ask you to forward them the instructions on types of malfunctions and ways to resolve them, and if the problem persists, gather the necessary information from the customer and contact the manager yourself. The procedure for defect correction and/or cassette replacement is decided on an individual basis between the client and the manager.

Disclaimer of Liability for Lost Profits

Regardless of the type of defect identified, we are not responsible for any loss of income, lost profits, market loss, reputation damage, customer loss, inability to use, delays in delivering cassettes to your customers, or any potential profit the client loses due to defect discovery. Defects are extremely rare but still possible, and we ask clients to consider this risk when planning.