Audio cassette production in St. Petersburg. You can read more about our services here. Answers to popular questions concerning our activities are collected in the FAQ section.



  (minimum print run is 20 copies)
  (more than 5 panels — upon request)

* Tape length is calculated as the length of the longer side multiplied by 2. Thus, if the longest side of the master record is 30 min, a C-60 cassette (60 min total length = 30 min * 2) is required.

** KL-HX — new brand of magnetic tape by a Chinese manufacturer. Similar to Panarec by frequency response and peak level. Maximum cassette length is 94 minutes (C-94).
AMPS — tape from a Chinese manufacturer, having lower peak record level (-3dB) and, accordingly, lesser signal/noise ratio. Maximum cassette length is 71 minute (C-71).


Audio cassette production and duplication

Audio cassette production and duplication

Printing: Pad printing

Pad printing is one-color printing on the cassette shell. It can be printed with two and more colors, but it makes sense only if exact positioning of one color against another is not required. The second color will be printed over the first one after it dries up. The most common colors in use are black, silver and white. Also we have red, green, blue, yellow, gold paints, which we can mix together.

NB! A dense and contrast colour fill cannot be achieved with white paint. When such kind of printing is needed, we recommend using silver paint. However, pad printing in white looks good on transparent cassettes with reflective liner.

NB! Since pad printing is performed using offset technology, the print's centering may be shifted on some copies within 1 mm.

Is it possible to make full-coloured printing on the cassette shell? Yes, now it's possible, more information here.


  1. Pad printing layout should be in vector format in black color.
  2. If you cannot make vector file we can produce it out of a raster image of high resolution (300 dpi and more)
  3. In case your layout is text-only, you can send us a plain text file with unembedded text, and the file of the desired font.
  4. Preferable file format is PDF.
  5. To choose the correct template for pad printing consult the FAQ section on our site.


For cassettes with codes ***2, ***6

Download template

For cassettes with codes ***1, ***4, ***5, ***7

Download template


Black, white, silver, dark blue, red, yellow, gold colour:

from 100 pcs 50—99 pcs 30—49 pcs 20—29 pcs
2 sides 24 50 90 140
1 side 20 40 80 120